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Things to Pay Attention to After Mesotherapy Injections

Things to Pay Attention to After Mesotherapy Injections

Mesotherapy is one of the most widely used and known aesthetic medicine treatments nowadays. Wondering why? With its help, patients may see fascinating improvement not only in wrinkles elimination and skin rejuvenation; this medical procedure may also help with alopecia (hair loss condition), as well as excess weight loss and body contouring (after the remedy is administered subcutaneously, broken down fat cells disappear with time and proper training).

In today’s article, we would like to talk about mesotherapy injections for skin rejuvenation in more detail. To be more precise, about things every patient should be aware of after the treatment. So, keep reading in order to learn more helpful information about this beneficial yet not so complicated procedure (in case you’ve chosen an experienced professional to perform it, of course). Enjoy!

What Is Mesotherapy for Facial Rejuvenation?


At first, let’s discuss what mesotherapy is. During the appointment, a doctor uses special remedies (also known as meso-cocktails) in order to achieve the previously discussed aesthetic goals of the client. The composition of the injectable may vary depending on patients’ needs and certain health peculiarities. For example, a medical professional may add different vitamins needed for a better result, amino acids, natural plant extracts, enzymes, and so on.

After discussing all of the details, the appointment may begin. A healthcare provider starts administering the remedy under the skin surface by using special, very fine needles. The substance is released subcutaneously in small portions into the superficial and middle layer of the dermis. In this way, it is easier to reach all needed zones that should be perfected, improve blood circulation and, in this way, achieve required results.

During the procedure, a client may experience a mild discomfort and insignificant painful sensations. In order to avoid this, a doctor may use a topical anesthetic, an injection of lidocaine prior to the actual treatment, or both methods at the same time ( this option is for those who have a low pain tolerance).

Different categories of clients choose mesotherapy for various purposes. Some people want to eliminate aging signs; some are tired of certain skin problems (e.g., acne scars, dark circles, pigmentation marks, etc.), others want to get rid of stretch marks or even prevent skin sagging and wrinkles appearance.

And everything mentioned above is possible thanks to just one procedure. Of course, some time is required in order to see the full effect. In general, specialists recommend having at least 3 to 10 appointments (depending on body peculiarities and health conditions). The treatment should be performed once every week at first, then once every two weeks, and finally once a month. This nuance, as well as all other aspects, are discussed with a professional first to see the maximum effect in the shortest terms.

Pre- and Aftercare Tips to Make Healing Process Faster

We think it is a well-known fact that, in order to make the recovery process faster and eliminate the possibility of different adverse reactions in a patient, it is important to follow a certain aftercare routine. And even though some recommendations should be given by a doctor individually according to one’s body peculiarities, others are universal and can be used by everyone. So, without further ado, let’s have a closer look at pieces of advice from experienced professionals related to both pretreatments and aftercare. Maybe, some aspects of a mesotherapy treatment method will be new for you.

Actions before the treatment

The list of Rules before the treatment is pretty simple and can be followed by anyone. Overall, these recommendations are suitable for most types of aesthetic medicine procedures, so if you are not a newcomer in this sphere, you won’t be surprised. Pre-mesotherapy sessions tips:

  • Do not plan any social events right after the doctor’s appointment. Such side effects as injection site reactions may affect your looks, and you surely wouldn’t want that;
  • Work on your diet and consume healthy food and avoid alcohol for a few days. This advice can be used not only before the mesotherapy injections session but also for your daily routine in order to improve your health and, as followed, the appearance overall;
  • Stop taking painkillers or any other medications that have blood-thinning characteristics. In case you’re taking any type of over-the-counter pills, it is recommended to have a consultation with a doctor first;
  • Stop using 1% Retin-A (2 days before the procedure) and AHA skincare (2 weeks before the course) goods;
  • Avoid peelings and other cosmetic procedures close to the treated area for at least 4 weeks before the mesotherapy session.

Post-treatment tips from the specialists

The following rules should be taken into consideration right after the first mesotherapy appointment. In case you doubt, you might always consult with your health care provider to make sure your actions are correct:

  • Avoid places with a high level of heat, namely bathtubs, hot showers, saunas, solariums, and so on;
  • Do not go outside without sunscreen;
  • Avoid strenuous training for at least 3 days after the procedure;
  • Consult with a specialist about the appropriate cosmetic products that could be used after the treatment;
  • Postpone previously planned cosmetic procedures in case the doctor tells you to do it;
  • Sometimes a superficial layer of the skin may feel dry. It is entirely normal, so you just need to use more moisturizer during this period.

By following the simple tips mentioned above, you will be able to prevent wrinkle appearance without any severe complications and short downtime. And don’t forget, if you have any questions about any step of the mesotherapy treatment, you may always have an individual appointment with a beautician to have all the answers specific to your goals.

Skin Reactions Every Patient Should Be Aware Of

We’ve already talked about stuff people can control and do in order to improve their conditions and post-treatment results. Now, we would like to talk more about symptoms that patients may experience after the injection. We are sure it is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of adverse reactions and improve overall knowledge about mesotherapy.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the topic of possible mesotherapy injections side effects:

  • Slight allergic reactions represented by redness, itching, swelling, etc.;
  • An insignificant burning sensation that should be gone in a day maximum;
  • Bruising in the area where the needle punctured the skin;
  • Pigmentation or skin discoloration;
  • Increased skin sensitivity in the treated area.

Please mind that everything mentioned above is permanent and does not require a doctor’s assistance. However, in case severe allergic reactions, serious discomfort, or unexpected health problems bother the patient, it is better to get in touch with a specialist to make sure there are no dangerous conditions.

The Bottom Line

Mesotherapy for skin improvement is a procedure that is gaining popularity more and more nowadays. People choose it due to numerous reasons, namely the effectiveness, overall appearance improvement, a great variety of remedies, and other important factors.

Most patients experience minimal to no adverse reactions, so there should be no worries about the complications afterward. As always, we would like to remind our readers that our articles are written for informational purposes only, so if you would like to know whether mesotherapy is the right decision for you, it is better to talk to a professional. Hopefully, this article was useful and interesting for you. Thank you for reading and take care!

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